
Foundation for Innovative Research, Sustainable Technologies and Intellectual Property (FIRSTIP) is a charitable and non-profit organization registered in India in the year 2010 for promoting innovation, sustainable technologies and intellectual property. FIRSTIP provides a forum to inventors and other creative persons to conceptualize and materialize their innovative ideas. We provide information of the latest technologies to the innovators to guide them in their research. We also assist them in protecting their intellectual property rights in India and other parts of the world.

FIRSTIP aims to develop a scientific and innovative acumen among the public at large. Our aim is also to create awareness among the public with respect to the importance of traditional knowledge and biodiversity, eco-friendly technologies and intellectual property in the present scenario. Hence, we offer customized training programmes, lectures, workshops and seminars to stakeholders including inventors, students and public at large. We encourage grass root inventions.

FIRSTIP aims to provide platform to develop technologies that are in tune with the environment. We believe that protection of environment is as important as developing new technologies. FIRSTIP is also developing a database of the traditional knowledge in order to protect and utilize the knowledge that has been achieved by the mankind over the years and is not lost forever.

FIRSTIP aims to provide platform to develop technologies that are in tune with the environment. We believe that protection of environment is as important as developing new technologies. FIRSTIP is also developing a database of the traditional knowledge in order to protect and utilize the knowledge that has been achieved by the mankind over the years and is not lost forever.


Towards an Innovative and Sustainable Society


To provide education, training and technical support to inventors for conceptualising and materialising their innovative ideas, stakeholders of traditional knowledge as well as students in order to achieve the organizational objectives.


Right knowledge with right action at right time can do miracles and create a value based sustainable society.

If you want more information about us, please stay in touch through the web form



FIRSTIP aims to achieve the following objectives:-

  • To promote Special Intellectual Property Zones for developing innovative and sustainable technologies.
  • To provide a forum for the dissemination of Information and discussions of issues relating to Scientific and traditional knowledge, intellectual property and sustainable technologies;
  • To provide assistance in establishment of research centers, idea incubation centers and testing laboratories for development of sustainable technologies;
  • To encourage and develop innovative educational and teaching methods for children, youths and public at large in order to inculcate in them interest about various scientific disciplines;
  • To establish educational institutions for providing basic and higher education with innovative teaching methods to develop creativity and scientific acumen including but not limited to vocational training;
  • To establish libraries, group study centers and portals;
  • To promote grass root level innovations;
  • To assist inventors, creative artists and innovators in creation and protection of intellectual property and felicitating them for such initiatives;
  • To design and organize educational and training programs, seminars, round tables, lectures, interactive sessions etc. on Innovation, Intellectual Property, Traditional Knowledge and sustainable technologies;
  • To protect and document our Traditional Knowledge including traditional cultural expressions, grass root innovations, folklores and Plant Varieties;
  • Dissemination of knowledge available in ancient Indian Scientific literature in Sanskrit language or any other script of the world and utilize the same for promoting sustainable technologies;
  • To develop legislations relating to protection of intellectual property and sustainable technologies and standardize them for adoption by the Government;
  • To extend help to governments and NGOs involved in treaty negotiation in order to safeguard the interests of public at large;
  • To encourage and assist in development of eco-friendly and economically viable technologies for trade and industry or public at large in order to curb the menace of pollution;
  • To promote entrepreneurship and develop a pool of senior experts for assisting innovators, budding entrepreneurs and various enterprises for development of world community;
  • To publish periodicals, magazines, journals, newsletters, audio-visual clips, documentaries and circulate the same in order to promote the aforesaid objectives.